Funny story, this will be short. I'm am attempting an update on my website, it's difficult; but thank the internet and YouTube for your never ending support! @santrelmedia videos are particularly brilliant.
I hope to add new stories, topics and thoughts that I feel like sharing.
Watch this space. Your kind words and support are always welcome. x
How to get Married in Ireland
Planning to get Married in Ireland please follow these steps:
You can find information on getting married in Ireland by looking at the following link on -
Here is a new checklist of requirements released this year.
Couples living abroad can do a postal application – and their first contact will be with – looks after the new applications and goes through everything in great detail with each Couple. He wants you to be aware of all the requirements, specific to each couple – particularly if they have divorces and live abroad.
If you want to get married in the Republic of Ireland, contact your local civil registration service by phone or email. You need to give them at least 3 months' notice that you intend to marry. This is the law in Ireland and it applies to all civil, religious and secular marriages.
You cannot get married until after the 3 month notice period. Your marriage date can be in any month or year after the 3 months.
How to give notice and book a marriage notification appointment
Contact your local civil registration service by phone or email to let us know you want to get married. We will send you a postal notification form.
You will need to:
complete and return the form by post or email - the 3 months' notice starts when the form is received by the civil registration service
book and attend a notification appointment
You can contact the Civil Registration Office. In County Clare: Ennis, Sandfield Centre. Phone: 0035365 686 8048 and 0035365 686 8049. or see this list for others
Book an appointment
Notification fees €200
You will need to download and complete the capture of data form and bring it to the appointment.
Both of you must bring the original and a colour photocopy of the photo page of one of the following:
refugee card/asylum card issued by Department of Justice and Equality national identity card from an EU country accepting them as a travel document
Self Care
So I'm not the best at taking time for myself, but since our first lock down in Ireland, I took self care to a new level. I'll be online again to add more here.
I love myself, life is good. Thank you #louisehay: 101 Best Louise Hay Affirmations of All Time